
How to Protect Yourself While Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

How to Protect Yourself While Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

by Proforma Construction Inc, August 22, 2019

Here’s what you can do to stay safe when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.

With more and more shops and vendors offering their customers free Wi-Fi access, staying connected is easier than ever.  However, it’s important to remember that using public Wi-Fi networks can expose you to certain risks if you are not careful.  Here are some of the suggestions that you should try to stay safe when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.

Turn Off Automatic Wi-Fi Connections

Rather than allowing your laptop, tablet, and smartphone to connect to any open network, you should set your devices so they only connect to the networks that you personally approve.  This way, you will only connect to trusted networks and do not have to worry about automatically connecting to a dangerous one.

Verify the Network Before Connecting

Savvy hackers attempt to fool their victims by setting up fake Wi-Fi hotspots with names similar to the real ones.  To ensure that you do not fall for this trick, make sure you examine a network and verify its legitimacy before connecting to it.  If you are not sure what the network’s official name is, check with an employee at the location.

Moderate Your Actions While on Public Wi-Fi

When you are using public Wi-Fi networks, scrolling through social media and watching YouTube videos are pretty harmless.  However, you should not do more intensive things like insert payment information, access password-protected accounts, or do anything that involves your sensitive data.  These online activities should be saved for when you are at home and can use your own private, protected network.

These are some of the things that you should do to stay safe when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.  Do you need help with your next commercial construction project?  If so, then contact Proforma Construction, your trusted general contractor in the Bay Area.   Serving Pleasanton and the surrounding California area, our highly-trained team is ready to make your commercial construction dreams a reality.